Realistic Bone Simulations for Ultrasonic Characterization of Cortical Bone Porosity and Thickness

To establish a more realistic model, cortical bone simulations were generated using microstructural elements extracted from a real micrograph. Then, the new extracted pores have been used as seeds to build a reference dictionary. For the extracted pores, many features have been calculated and considered such as the effective diameters, pore sizes, and pores geometrical shapes. By employing this dictionary, numerous numbers of new cortical bone maps could be generated.

In realsitic simulations, pores are randomly distributed within the cortical bone to mimic different biological conditions. In addition, geometric distortions have been added and considered including bone curvature, surface roughness, and pore-density weighting along the lateral-medial or anterior-posterior direction.

Research project: ‘Ultrasonic bone characterization’.